My music albums as Andy Eel:

- Espresso cherries
- Mirna
- Through the night
- Trees in dust
- Hypnoticity
- Andymal
- iMental  (double album)
- No love (sound project)
- Heartcore
- Machines in winter - dreaming on cold air
- Space to play (mini album)
- Made in nandhaland (double album)
- Farewell to hard life
- Resurrection
- Choice cuts and remainders

All following songs were recorded as

All albums were recorded in wonderful

Selected Andy Eel songs (mp3) for free download
Download allowed only for personal use:

Building up

Cafe Duck

Farewell beach cocktail


Home before the rain

Ich liebe dich

In a dark room

Late for the train

Life is bigger


Not again



Suspicious minds

The red button

With a kiss

And for a laugh...

..that's what me + synthy + vocoder sounded like in the "good old times":

Pain (mp3) 2 MB

Pain, to be
blown away,
shattered to pieces
in a mind-storm
Pain, I have never seen
this light in me
in time before it
went out which it did
unnoticed, pain